(402) 375-2696

Fax: (402) 375-5212

Mon - Fri 8AM - 5PM

Saturday By Appt. Only

111 W 3rd St

Wayne, Nebraska 68787

*All offices will close at 1pm on Tuesday, December 24th and all offices will be closed on Wednesday, December 25th*

Is Your Car Serving You Well? 12 ​​Tips to Extend ​​the Life of ​​Your Car​​

Cheerful woman standing by car and using smartphone.

Your car is one ​​of your most valuable​​ possessions. The average​​ American spends ​​around $9,000 a year ​​on their vehicle when ​​you factor in car payments, ​​insurance, gas, and ​​maintenance. With the ​​cost of buying a new ​​car skyrocketing, it makes ​​sense to try to​​ extend the life of your ​​current vehicle as ​​long as […]