With April Fools’s Day happening this month, we wanted to share some facts on why insurance is no joke! Here are some statistics you might not know about health, automotive, and home insurance.
Health Insurance
Census statistics showed that in 2018, 27.5 million people didn’t have any health insurance at any point during the year, an increase from 25.6 million in 2017. Americans also filled a record 5.8 billion prescriptions in 2018, at a rate of a whopping 17.6 prescriptions per person!
Incorporate habits such as eating nutritious meals, getting enough sleep, and drinking the recommended amount of water into your daily routine to ensure that you stay healthy!
Automotive Insurance
Unfortunately, the National Safety Council found that since 2018, Nebraska has had an 8% increase in fatalities when it comes to vehicle accidents. It’s incredibly important to take safety on the road seriously! Here are a few more automotive accidents statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) you might not have known:
- Most accidents happen within 25 miles of your home.
- In 2017, seatbelts saved 14,955 lives.
- Wearing a seatbelt while in the front seat of a car reduces your risk of a fatal injury by 45%.
Here are a few of the tips from the NHTSA to stay safe on the roads:
- Always wear your seatbelt.
- Practice defensive driving.
- Get plenty of sleep to avoid fatigue, drive attentively, and avoid distractions.
- Encourage safe driving habits for your teen.
- Fix vehicle recalls immediately.
Home Insurance
In March 2019, the historic Midwest flooding engulfed numerous cities, towns, and millions of acres of agriculture across Nebraska and other states in the Midwest, making it one of the most costly American inland flooding events on record.
Housefires can be incredibly devastating for your property and dangerous for you and your family. Here are a few facts shared by the National Fire Protection Association:
- U.S. fire departments respond to an average of 354,400 fires in homes per year.
- From 2013-17, house fires caused $6.9 billion in direct property damage.
- The top five causes of home fires and fire casualties are cooking, heating, electrical distribution and lighting equipment, intentional fire setting, and smoking materials.
It’s no joke that insurance can help to protect your family and property. To find out more about the insurance services we offer, give us a call today at (402) 375-2696 or visit us online to see our wide selection of home insurance policies and plans.