While shopping for insurance you may be surprised to learn there are two different types of agents. There are captive agents and independent agents. Both sell insurance and there are certainly advantages to working with both, but only one has more to offer.
Captive Agents
A captive insurance agent carries only one insurance provider, like State Farm or Allstate.
Independent Agents
Independent agents carry multiple insurance providers and create a more custom insurance portfolio to fit your needs.
What are the benefits of an independent agent?
We Offer Great Customer Service
When you choose a local, independent agent, you get a tailored experience. The agent is invested in working with you one-on-one to determine what you need, how much you need, and what providers work best for you. Sure, you have great customer service with a captive agent but often you get more, white-glove service when working with an independent agent.
Often, claims are processed more quickly and with better communication. With a wider variety of products to offer, independent agents get plenty of feedback and can truly customize your selections. While a captive agent works for their agency, an independent agent works for you, their client.
We Have More Options
When selecting coverage, it is great to have options. Captive agents may not offer everything you need. What happens is you find yourself with multiple policies and multiple rates. Wouldn’t it be easier to bundle it all together? That is what an independent agent does.
Independent agents work with a variety of insurance and finance providers, so you pay one agency, one bill, for a wide range of coverage. The coverage you receive is priced at a reduced rate because the more you bundle, the more you save. It’s the best way to get a great deal on all your insurance needs.
At Northeast Nebraska Insurance we partner with over 25 companies to offer Auto, Business, Farm and Crop, Home, Health, Life, and Pet Insurance options.
We Make Policy Changes Easy
When life throws you a new challenge, or you find yourself in a different position, it’s easy to re-evaluate your insurance options with an Independent Agent. You go to one person to make changes across the board. That person has your best interest at heart and can help you navigate whatever new situation you find yourself in.
Choose an Independent Agent from Northeast Nebraska Insurance
At Northeast Nebraska Insurance we are independent agents. We have your best interest at heart and look forward to helping you navigate the many great insurance options we provide. Visit us today!